
Invited Speakers

Taiwan (台灣)
  • 2024/10/6 Application of ECMO in circulatory failure
  • Prof. 陳益祥(YIH-SHARNG Chen)
  • Professor
  • Cardiovascular Surgery ,National Taiwan University Hospital
He was graduated from National Taiwan University and got the PhD degree. He received a full course of cardiovascular training in the same institute. He received post resident training in Japan, U of Michigan, USA, and Papworth hospital UK. He was the chairman of APELSO in 2017-2019. He was a president of Taiwan Society of Cardiovascular and Thoracic surgery in 2017. He now leads an active heart transplant program and circulatory support program in Taiwan. His publication in ECPR leads a significant mind changer in ECMO field.
Professional Association Memberships:
i: Member of Association of Surgery of Taiwan
ii: Member of Association of Cardiology of Taiwan
iii: Member of Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery of Taiwan
iv: Member of Training supervisor of Cardiovascular Surgery of Taiwan
v: Member of Training supervisor of Cardiology of Taiwan
vi. Association of Cardiovascular Surgery of Taiwan 2002-2004
Reviewers of Journals:
Critical Care Medicine 2001 ~
Annual of Thoracic Surgery 1999
CHEST 2005 ~
Am J Cardiology 2005 ~
Artificial Organs 2005
European J of Cardiothoracic Surg
Researches and paper published: more than 200 paper,
