
Invited Speakers

Taiwan (台灣)
  • 2024/10/6 Now and Future in cardiogenic shock
  • Prof. 陳沂名(I-Ming Chen)
  • Chief of CVSICU
  • Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Current Position :

1. Attending Surgeon at Division of CardioVascular Surgery, Department of Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, July 2009~present
2. Chief of CVSICU, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Aug 2023~present
3. Associate Professor in Medicine Faculty of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Aug 2024~present
4. Board Member of the Advisory Committee of Taiwan Society of Vascular Surgery, Sep 2013~present
5. Deputy Secretary-General of Taiwan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Sep 2023~present


Chief of Hybrid Operation Room, Department of Surgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Jan 2011~Oct 2014

Medical Education:

1. Degree: PhD, Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
2. Degree: M.D., School of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan


1. Lillehei Award in annual meeting of Taiwan Association of Thoracic and CardioVascular Surgery (TATCS) in 2008
2. The 3rd place of best paper contest in annual meeting of Taiwan Association of Thoracic and CardioVascular Surgery (TATCS) in 2009
3. The 2nd place of Intelligent Ultimate Award in annual meeting of Taiwan Society for Vascular Surgery (TSVS) in 2009
4. Best teacher of Taipei Veterans General Hospital in 2011
5. The 1st place of President’s Award of Taiwan Society for Vascular Surgery (TSVS) in 2012, 2013
6. Best abstract presenter award in Trans-Catheter Therapy Asia Pacific (TCTAP) in 2014
7. Best young scientist award in Trans-Catheter Therapy Asia Pacific (TCTAP) in 2015
8. Best teacher of National Yang Ming University in 2015
9. International Scholars of Society of Vascular Surgery in 2015
10. Best case presenter award in Trans-Catheter Therapy Asia Pacific (TCTAP) in 2016
11. Best teacher of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in 2016
12. Best teacher of Taipei Veterans General Hospital in 2016
13. Best abstract presenter award in Trans-Catheter Therapy Asia Pacific (TCTAP) in 2017
14. The 2nd place of Intelligent Ultimate Award in annual meeting of Taiwan Society for Vascular Surgery (TSVS) in 2017
15. The 2nd place of President’s Award of Taiwan Society for Vascular Surgery (TSVS) in 2017
16. Best abstract presenter award in Trans-Catheter Therapy Asia Pacific (TCTAP) in 2018
17. Best abstract presenter award in Trans-Catheter Therapy Asia Pacific (TCTAP) in 2019
18. The 1st place of Innovation and Improvement award of Taipei Veterans General Hospital in 2019
19. Excellent doctor award of Taipei Veterans General Hospital in 2023
